Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Effects Of Media On Our Social Media - 1842 Words

The media is a very multi-diverse business with a huge amount of competition, which is why any attention to the media is important. The most ridiculous idea may attract the larger audience. Bad media can also be good media as it can captivate the attention of many viewers. Viewers may feel insulted, discriminated, upset, targeted, offended, etc. but it will most likely catch their attention enough for them to become a repetitive audience member. Many stereotypes are often portrayed in modern day characters as they often taken lightly. The African-American character will tend to be a criminal based person who is considered a lower-class outlaw. The people will typically over-value sex and male dominance. The person will also have the preferences of the African-American usually depicted on our social media. This is an only an example of the case of the African-American identity but this theory applies to all races, but mostly our Caucasian, Indians, Asian and Latino characters. As Amer ican shows are the most broadcasted in the world, they typically gather the most viewers and the most attention. In order to observe the extreme conditions of the media, three shows were selected for observatory purposes. The shows were the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Family Guy and Wild N Out. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air stars the young actor Will Smith as a laid back African American teenager/young adult. He typically objectifies women and is attracted to the beautiful young African-AmericanShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Social Media On Our Lives1608 Words   |  7 Pagescommunication has been an important factor in our lives. This was the only source of communication for a long period of time. Over time, we developed new ways of communicating with each other such as emailing and talking on the phone. Human beings have become so reliant on the use of electronic devices to communicate. Although this is a good way to keep in touch with friends, it can become a serious problem to many individuals. The growth of social media sites began to grow in the year 2003, whichRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Our Lives1200 Words   |  5 PagesEver since World Wide Web came out in 1990, it has opened a floodgate for sharing and communicating over the internet in the form of s ocial media. People can keep in touch with their friends and families from across the world, know what they are up to, and see all the interesting things that goes on in their lives. Keeping up with everyone and everything no longer requires tedious phone calls and email messages. Instead, we have easier, better looking, more interactive, and all around more fun waysRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Our Lives1563 Words   |  7 Pages Blink This day and age we call social is far from it. People are becoming slaves to their devices, living their life through a screen. We find self worth through how many â€Å"likes† we got on our picture, or how many â€Å"friends† on our Facebook page. Social media has created a generation of smart phones and dumb people. Where staying connected, is more important than creating connections with others. Where we would rather stare at our friend list while waiting for the bus than simply striking upRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Our Society1559 Words   |  7 Pagesthat social media has taken over conventional media in the world today. We can easily see that they have impacts on our society. Since the introduction of social network sites years ago, to communicate with friends and family has been easy once you have access to internet.The definition of social media is the relationship that exist between network of people (Walter Riviera, 2004). In the last ten yea rs, the online world has changed dramatically. 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Does it affect it in a negative or positive way? Most people don’t see how social media can be affecting their daily life. It s more than just logging onto Facebook, Instagram,Tumblr or Twitter to get your daily updates on someRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Our Audience1365 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysis Greenpeace uses various social media in order to communicate with their audiences. Social media enables instant communication taking place in actual time, eliminating limitations such as time differences and tangible presence. This means that Greenpeace is able to interact directly and globally with their audiences regardless the time and place. Through social media, written and verbal communication with mass audience is made possible through social media posts such as blogs, online communityRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Our Lives900 Words   |  4 Pagesgets their information; Media. The world is surrounded by people walking in the streets on their phones, sitting at a restaurant on their phones, even at work on their phones, do you see the problem? There are so many things that happen on a daily basis, but there are only a few people that can go thought the day without their phones. Phones are the next generation baby sitters. With news at our fingertips the speed at whi ch news gets around is so shocking. Social media is how people get their informationRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Our Lives Essay852 Words   |  4 Pagescommunication such as proxemics, chronemics, paralanguage and haptics. The way in which we use space, body language, tone and time do indeed, communicate something in one way or another. Communication is not only evolved by our words. Furthering this recognition, social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more lack a majority of these communication components. 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