Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marry Wollstonecraft Womens Right Research Paper

Marry Wollstonecraft Womens Right - Research Paper Example It will help to develop an effective and significant social order. This report will describe a brief summary of the life of Marry Wollstonecraft. In addition to this, the report will discuss about the above mentioned master piece. Discussion â€Å"A Vindication of the rights of Women† was published in the year 1792. This book of philosophy is based on the rights of women in society. In Western Europe, married women lost their individual legal identity and single women had minimal protection under the law during the eighteenth century. In addition to this, women could not avail the rights to sign a legal contract, retain a lawyer for individual legal needs and inherit property. Most importantly the women during that period of time did not have the right over their children. The wife and husband were considered as one person during that era. The women generally lost their legal existence right after marriage. Mary Wollstonecraft created a huge sensation in the year 1792 by writi ng the book based on women’s right in society named â€Å"A Vindication of the rights of Women†. She declared that men and women should be treated with equal rights to liberty, pursuit of happiness and life. She appealed for women to become knowledgeable and educated. She persisted women should be allowed and free to pursue professional careers, enter into business and vote if they ever wished as these are their morale rights. According to Mary Wollstonecraft, â€Å"I speak of the improvement and emancipation of the whole sex† (Powell 1). In addition to this, Mary Wollstonecraft declared that â€Å"Let woman share the rights, and she will emulate the virtues of man; for she must grow more perfect when emancipated† (Powell 1). Mary Wollstonecraft was able to inspire the community and people within it as she used to speak from the heart. Her writings were easily understandable but she used to provide examples and facts from her own turbulent experience. Acc ording to Mary Wollstonecraft, â€Å"There is certainly an original defect in my mind† (Powell 1). She confessed that â€Å"for the cruelest experience will not eradicate the foolish tendency I have to cherish, and expect to meet with, romantic tenderness† (Powell 1). Mary Wollstonecraft passionately tried to give proper rights to the women in the society. She was a full-time professional writer. She used to write on serious and complex subjects without having an aristocratic sponsor. She had that much courage to share her views through her writing with the aim or objective to improve the scenario of the society (Brody 99). She had to struggle hard as the women were conventionally cherished for several domestic services. Mary Wollstonecraft developed her sheer skills on scanty earnings. Several contemporaries noted the provocative presence of Mary Wollstonecraft. In â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman†, Mary Wollstonecraft responds to the political and ed ucational theorists of the late 18th century. Several political and educational theorists did not believe that women should avail the right and needs of education. She continuously argued that women have the right to education as the women are the first teachers of their children. In addition to this, she stated that education will help a woman to give company to her husband in difficult situations.

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